Due to the current Lockdown in fight against COVID -19 , InspectNow is contributing in its own way by offering InspectNow mobile app for carrying out audit and inspection as well field data collection tool which will be available free of charge for business use without any charges.
InspectNow existing clientiele will get 90 days extra in subscription with unlimited use of app.
InspectNow has removed paid option from Apple -App store as well as Google play store and made avaialble this app free of all charges.
We say , where there is a Will, there is a way, InspectNow team has created ready to start templates as well forms to save time and collect precious data from your employees and get 360 degree overview about them during COVID-19 , you will get complete update on how your employees are feeling about work from home as well as how they are innovating to fight against current situation.
InspectNow team has created Forms to collect data from remote team and analyze and help them to perform well as well as to support in this tough time.
Do Connect with us for setting up quickly , just in 5 minutes and collect data from thousands of employees review on dashboard. The details are
A. Employee Self Assessment - COVID-19 : Collect self survey from all your employee to make sure nobody is suffering from COVID-19 symptoms
B. Business Continuity Plan Form Template : Ask employee to fill and see is there any impact on business during this lockdown.
C. Work From Home Employee Feeling Survey: Undertand employee situation at work from home as well as family life and help to overcome hurdels
D. Work From Story Form --Collect Stories from Employee how they are fighting against current sitution with different ideas and reward them.
SO , Go head and download InspectNow through this link given below
App Store Link :
Google Play Store
App Features
How it works
Option 1 )
Sent email to info@brutesquadservices.com with compnay name and your email address and we will setup for you in 5 minutes.
Optionn 2)
Also ready to use Public Templates for Inspection and Audit
Feel free to ask for your custom template setup and we will be happy to do it.
Please send you template at info@brutesquadservices.com